
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Taking a Leave of Absence

HEy everyone. I wish I was writing something other than this post today. I have unfortunately come to terms with the fact that I can know longer keep up with the demands of this blog. I'm just doing 50 million things at once at this time of my life. I am trying to get through Nursing school, working as a Barista at B&N, traveling to two different houses because my mom moved to the country, and also trying to keep up with my social life. Unfortunately, this is the thing I chose to cut out in my life. I am hoping this is a temporary thing. I hope I can come back after Christmas but we shall see.

I really want to say thanks to all my wonderful followers! I really appreciate you all so much and have really enjoyed getting to know you. I also want to say thank you to the wonderful authors whom I formed special relationships with!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

To Die For Winner Announcement!

Hey everyone! Hope you are having a great weekend! So sorry for the lack of reviews and posts these past two weeks. I have been really busy with work and school. Not to mention constant house work because we are in the process of selling our house which mean our house has to be constantly spotless because you never know when some one will want to see the house. Anyway, there will be new reviews coming very soon! Thanks so much for being patient with my absence.

Now on to announcing the winner of To Die For by Sandra Byrd! Please help me congratulate...

Email has just gone out so please send me your mailing address and I will forward it on to the publisher.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When We Were Gods Giveaway Winner Announcement!

Hey everyone! Happy September 1st! I don't know about you but I'm ready for Fall! Today I'm going to announce the two lucky winners of Colin Falconer's book When We Were Gods! So please help me congratulate the two lucky winners!
and the winners are...
Sam and Lisa!

Emails have been sent out so please respond with which version you would like to receive.
Happy Reading!