
About Me

Hi everyone, my name is Taylor and I am a historical fiction fanatic! I live in Oklahoma with my two favorite boys; my Main Coon Tyson and my dog Brady. I'm currently working on getting into nursing school. I hope to one day become an RN and do something with either infants and/or toddlers. I would do something that pertains to history, but unfortunately I have to pay the bills. My passions in life are animals, history and reading, therefore, my favorite books are historical fiction. I have a monstrous book collection! I guess you could say books are like a drug to me.
I absolutely love reading books and then writing my own review of the book to help others decide on which books to read and books that you should probably not waste your time on.

I would be more than happy to review your book, guest posts, hold giveaways and conduct an interview as long as it is classified as: historical fiction or non-fiction (history). Check out my review policy.
Do to the high demand of review requests I am no longer accepting historical books that are focused on American History.

If you are an author or publisher and would like me to review your book, host a giveaway or conduct an interview; you may contact me at: Also if you send me your book I will post my review on and