

Guest Post & Author Interviews

I am more than happy to post an author interview or guest post on this site. I strongly feel that interviews and guest posts by historical fiction authors and/or publishers is a great way to spread the word about up coming releases and or book signings for my readers. If you would like to post something on my blog or if you would like to do an interview please e mail at:

Reviewing Policy

I am currently open to receiving Advance Reading Copies and Copies of already published books. I only accept physical books so NO e books please. I will accept self published books as long as they follow the guidelines listed below.

Review Guidelines:
  1. The book must be classified historical fiction if you want your books review to be posted on this site. Do to the high demand of review requests I am no longer accepting historical books that are focused on American History. I'm very sorry if your book falls into this category, but my interest and expertise are centered around European, Roman, and Egyptian History. I'm swamped with my own personal books that need to be read and reviewed (over 100); therefore, I have to be picky with the reviews I can accept. Hopefully, I will be able to get caught up and be able to accept them sometime in the future. Until then I will have to graciously pass.
  2. By accepting or receiving a book, I will not guarantee that it will be read immediately or posted on the blog immediately. It will depend on how many reviews I have lined up at the time of your request. 
    If you have a time frame for when you expect the review to be posted, please let me know so I can try in meet you deadline. If I know I will be unable to meet the deadline then I will have to decline the reviewing request.

    If the book is an Advance Reading Copy then I will try and publish the review on or around the release date.
    3. Please note that all reviews published will be honest and truthful to my opinion. So the review could contain negative comments regarding the book. However, the reviews will not be harsh. So please take notice that the reviews will not be fluffed up with glowing comments or statements just because you sent me the book. I take pride in properly informing other readers of my honest opinion and what they can expect.   
          4. If you are interested in sending me a copy of your book to review please contact me:
 The email should include a summary of the book and if it's an ARC copy the release date. Also, if there is a desired post date please specify.