
Monday, November 29, 2010

Mailbox Monday

I've decided to participate in Mailbox Monday on the Monday's that I actually get new books. So I won't be doing this every Monday. Unfortunately, I can't get new books every week otherwise I'd probably wouldn't be able to pay my bills. I actually got this idea from The Story Siren and I thought it would be fun to participate when I can.

Last week I went home for Thanksgiving and I took advantage of Black Friday and purchased a few books from Barnes and Noble and Walmart. I also had a surprise on my doorstep!

My Mailbox

A Royal Likeness by Christine Trent
Release Date December 28th

I was so excited when this book arrived on my doorstep from Christine Trent! I loved her last book Queen's Dollmaker so I'm ready to dive right into this one!

 Barnes and Noble

Nefertiti by Michelle Moran

So I finally got my hands on this book! I'm so excited because every time I went to Barnes and Noble for this book they were out and I was so disappointed. But they actually had one left this time which totally made my day!

The Conqueror by Georgette Heyer

I thought this book looked interesting. It's about William the Conqueror and I've heard Georgette Heyer's books were good so I decided to pick this one up and give it a try.


Pope Joan
by Donna Woolfolk Cross

I was so happy to find this book! I've heard great things about it and I have been dying to get my hands on it. It's actually going to be made into a movie so I want to have it read before it comes out.  


The Secret History of the Pink Carnation by Lauren Willig

I picked this book up at Walmar because it was only 5.99 and who could pass up a price like that?
So you've seen what was in my mailbox. What did you get in yours?


  1. Oh, I really want to read Nefertiti! It's been on my to-buy list for ages but I've never actually bought it. Looking forward to your review of it :)

  2. I read and loved Nefertiti :) Now the only Moran I have not read is the Heretic Queen and I do want it

  3. @Blodeuedd I've actually had the Heretic Queen on my shelf for a couple of months now waiting to be read but I couldn't read it until I read Nefertiti and so I'm so glad I found it!

    @Sam Thanks for the comment. I'm not when I will get around to reading Nefertiti because I have a huge TBR pile lol
