
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Review: A Foreign Affair by Caro Peacock

A Foreign Affair by Caro Peacock
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

A Foreign Affair, by Caro Peacock, takes place in both England and France during 1837. It dates back to the death of King William IV and the accession of Queen Victoria. I found this book in a little used book store in my home town and immediately grabbed it because it looked to be a historical fiction novel due to the fact that the cover stated it took place in Victorian England and the look of the cover itself. Once I finally got around to reading A Foreing Affair, I soon realized it's not really historical fiction but more of a mystery/thriller that takes place in Victorian England. Since I'm an avid Historical Fiction reader I must admit I was a little disappointed by the lack of historical facts. However, once I got passed the fact that this novel was a mystery and not historical fiction, I thoroughly began to enjoy it.

A Foreign Affair is the first novel of three in the Liberty Lane series. Liberty Lane is a young lady who runs away from one of her aunts to meet her father in Calais. Her father has been away for sometime and is finally returning to her. Liberty soon discovers, upon arriving in Calais that her father has been shot fighting in a dual. Unable to accept the fact that her father died in a dual, Liberty finds her self immersed in a whirl-wind of danger, deception, and corruption. Not knowing who to turn to or even to trust, Liberty decides to take matters into her own hands and see that justice is done.

Caro Peacock did an amazing job in keeping up the suspense. I have to admit the beginning was a bit dry. Although, once I got passed the first 30 pages or so I just couldn't put the book down. I found myself in the library at school finishing the last 20 or so pages because I wanted to know what happens next and how it would end. Once I finally finished, I realized I should have been studying for my exam. Without spoiling the book, if you keep reading you will see that there is a little history behind the plot of the story.

I've already bought A Dangerous Affair, the second novel in the Liberty Lane series and I know I will be rushing out to get the final novel soon. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good thriller with a hint of history behind it, and it keeps you wanting more.

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