
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guest Post: Grace Elliot Author of A Dead Man's Debt

Hey everyone I would like to welcome Grace Elliot author of A Dead Man's Debt here at All Things Historical Fiction.

Author Bio.

Grace Elliot leads a double life as a veterinarian by day and author of historical romance by night. She lives near London and is addicted to cats, acting as housekeeping staff to five mischievous moggies.
Grace believes intelligent people need romantic fiction in their lives as an antidote to the modern world. Her debut novel ‘A Dead Man’s Debt’ is now available from most eBook stores including Amazon, Fictionwise, Smashwords and Books on Board.

To find out more visit

Intelligent People Read Romance.

Hello there, it’s so lovely to be here at All Things Historical Fiction. I feel Taylor and I are kindred spirits –we have some much in common; both pursuing medical careers (I’m a veterinarian) both animal addicts (I’m housekeeping staff to 5 cats and a guinea pig) and both obsessed with historical fiction.

As the proud author of a recently published historical romance ‘A Dead Man’s Debt’, my writing story is a little unusual. You see for as long as I can remember I wanted to be a vet and was fortunate enough to achieve my ambition. However, with the cute cuddly kittens also come the dignified older cats and dogs nearing the end of life…and it was as a release from this emotionally draining side of veterinary work that I turned to writing. On discovering my creative side I immerse myself in the characters and escape to their world - of satins and silks, of blackmail, peril and duty, where real men rode stallions and a woman with opinions was considered rebellious. I love manipulating their world, reeking havoc with the tidy order of things, placing twist after twist on their tangled lives…and more.

I have always been a book worm – whilst at school I averaged 5 books a week, but it was when I read Margaret George’s masterly ‘The Autobiography of Henry VIII’ that I discovered the missing piece I had been searching for all along- historical fiction.

Margaret George remains my favorite author – I’m beside myself to see on the ATHF sidebar that she has a new book ‘Elizabeth I’ out next year. She nurtured my interest in all things historical from which my love of writing developed. My genre is the regency romance, the setting for ‘A Dead Man’s Debt’ which is a story of blackmail, duty and unexpected love.

The regency is such a dream of an era for a writer. From chaperones to duels, and debutants to rogues, it’s a world of contrasts. The pressures of reputation and standing were not to be underestimated at a time when appearances were everything, and denying your needs was a virtue. One of the themes played out in ‘A Dead Man’s Debt’ is whether to do the right by society, or defy the Ton to follow your heart’s desire.

If you are a regency romance virgin I hope you will consider reading ‘A Dead Man’s Debt’. It’s my firm belief that intelligent people have the greatest need for historical romance, as an antidote to the modern world.

Book Blurb

‘A Dead Man’s Debt’ by Grace Elliot.

Celeste Armitage has a plan…and that plan doesn’t include marriage. After deliberately humiliating a suitor, Celeste’s despairing parents exile her to the country. But once there she discovers a sketch book of daring nude studies and is shaken to find the artist is her hostess’s eldest son, Lord Ranulf Charing. This darkly cynical lord is exactly the sort of dissipated rogue she despises most…if only her blood didn’t heat at the thought of him…

Nothing is as it seems. Lord Ranulf’s life is a façade. Only he can save the Charing’s from disgrace as a blackmailer seeks to ruin his late brother’s reputation. But just as Ranulf dares to open his heart to Celeste, the fury of his nemesis is unleashed… facing him with the stark choice between true love and family duty. However when Celeste guesses the truth behind his rejection, Ranulf underestimates her resolve to clear his name and in so doing places the woman he loves in mortal danger….

‘A Dead Man’s Debt’ by Grace Elliot is available from most eBook stores including Amazon and Books on Board. If you would like to learn more please visit:


  1. Hi, just stopping by your lovely blog. I agree with this wholeheartedly: "intelligent people have the greatest need for historical romance, as an antidote to the modern world."

  2. Glad to meet a like minded reader! When my boss heard I'd had a book published he was so 'sniffy' when he learnt it was a historical romance - bet your life he hasnt read one!
    Grace x

  3. @StephanieD
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

    I know a lot of my friends, who are 21 and 22, make fun of my reading habits. I just tell them you have no idea what your missing out on! I've been trying to get my mom hooked, but she's just not a reader lol.


  4. Wow, 5 books a week. I wish I could read that fast!
    I love that you're a vet by day--shows that you don't need a writing degree to tell a good story. :)

  5. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about.. The subtle art of not giving a fuck PDF
