
Monday, December 27, 2010

Henry VIII 2011 Reading Challenge

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and possible expanded your library a little...I know mine sure did!

I have come up with a few new 2011 reading challenges to both host and participate in. I'm going to post them one at a time so people can sign up for the one's they want to participate in down below in the COMMENTS area.

So I decided to start off by posting the Henry VIII 2011 Reading Challenge that I'm hosting here at All Things Historical Fiction. Please feel free to join in the reading fun! The rules for this challenge are listed below.


1. The book must be centered around Henry VIII in some way obviously and the books can overlap other challenges you may be participating in.

2. You must read at least 3 books and they can't be one's that you've already read because that sort of defeats the purpose.

3. This is a year long challenge so you have until January 1st of 2012 to finish your personal goal.

4. It's not mandatory to post a review but it would be nice so other people can read them but Non-bloggers please include your information in the comments below.

5. Please sign up by leaving a comment down below with your name, link to this challenge on your blog, and how many books you plan on reading.

6. You must some how link back to this post so others can join in the fun!

I will update my list as much as possible and will post my reviews as soon as I read them.  I hope to read as many as 5. Here's what I have so far:

1. The Queen's Rival by Diane Haeger (5 Stars) Read Review


  1. Oooh this one sounds great! I have 3 books on my list right now, but I know there will be many many more..

  2. Sounds like a fun challenge. I'm going to be reading 5 books.

  3. I don't know how I missed this original post, considering I follow your blog! But I just heard of this & I'm in. I actually just read & reviewed the Pleasure Palace, but I won't count it to my challenge. here's my post

  4. I posted about your challenge over at A Novel Challenge.

  5. Please count me in!

  6. Please count me in.
    My planned list
    1. The Queen's Governess by Karen Harper
    2. The Queen's Pawn by Christy English
    3. The Last Boleyn: A Novel by Karen Harper

  7. My review for The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

  8. My review for The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory

  9. Just come across your blog. Count me in for this challenge!!

  10. I know I am late to the party but count me in. I plan to read 5 books.

  11. My Review for The Queen's Governess:
