
Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Royal Likeness Giveaway Winner!

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to announce the winner of Christine Trent's new book A Royal Likeness!

Congratulations Siobian! You are the lucky winner of A Royal Likeness

If you signed up to win a copy and didn't win don't despair because there will be plenty more opportunities to win. I currently have two other giveaways running right now. 

-2 copies of By Fire, By Water by Mitchell James Kaplan, which is open to the US only and ends Feb. 5th at midnight central time. 
-The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry is open to both US & Canada residents. It ends Feb. 10th at midnight central time.


  1. Congrats to the winner! You are going to love it :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I did the banner myself or I tried. I absolutely love historical fiction and your site. I made sure to follow so I can come back again and again.

  3. I actually used Publisher for my banner. I really want to get photo shop but I don't see myself making that kind of investment for such small projects. I don't know anything about GIMP but then again, I know how to use only a few programs.

  4. Well definitely try out Publisher, it can do everything. However, it doesn't have really cool fonts or anything and I think my banner could be in higher quality (but oh well).

  5. Hello,

    I want to give you the The Irresistibly sweet Blog Award. If you want to know how you can get it visit my blog

  6. Hi Taylor, got your comment about using my review of The Reluctant Widow by Heyer on your site as part of a GH Challenge update. You are more than welcome to do so, if you could just link back to my site in the post that would be awesome! Thank you!
