
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Giveaway Winner Announcement: Queen By Right

Hey everyone sorry it took so long for me to post the name of the winner of Anne Easter Smith's novel Queen By Right. It's been a hectic week! I just randomly picked the winner through

and the winner is...
 Cynthia @ cyn209

If you signed up for this giveaway and weren't chosen don't despair. There are plenty more opportunities to win going on right now and more are coming up in the near future. Right now I'm giving away a copy of Bending the Boyne by J.S. Dunn which won the 2011 Historical Fiction Next Generation Indie Book Award

Also, I'm giving away a copy of In Byron's Shadow by Ashley Barnard, which I have high expectations for!

1 comment:

  1. thank you, thank you, thank you!! i can't wait to read it!!!!!
