
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Review: The Blighted Troth by Mirella Sichirollo Patzer

★★★★ 1/2

Book Source: I received a copy from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Book Release Date: February 2011

Book Synopsis: A compelling story of love and treachery, faith and loss, forgiveness and triumph. In 18th century New France, a brave young woman must strive to make her own way in life and in love. In the year 1702 in New France, Emilie, a virtuous young woman is betrothed to Robert, the town's handsome miller. On the eve of her wedding, when Emilie spurns the attention of the town's wealthy seigneur, it sets off a catastrophic chain of events that turns her life, and that of her betrothed, into a desperate flight for their lives, sending them straight into the arms of peril. 

Seigneur Richard de Tonnacour, the town's black-hearted and corrupt overlord, will stop at nothing to claim Emilie for himself. When his abduction attempt of Emilie goes awry, she and Robert are forced to flee their homes. Forcefully separated, the lovers each encounter new troubles including famine, a Quebec bread riot, a death sentence, and the small pox epidemic of 1703. Embroiled in a fateful chase, Emilie learns that not even the devious madness of her adversaries can destroy her love for Robert. Amid heartache and tragedy, Emilie and Robert struggle to overcome adversity until a turn of events reveals Robert's true identity. As destiny draws them back together, they learn the lessons of love, forgiveness, and family. 

The Blighted Troth is a retelling of the classic novel, The Betrothed (I Promessi Sposi) by Alessandro Manzoni. Inspired by this epic Italian classic novel, the author weaves an entirely new and unqiue captivating tale in a new setting, a new century, and with new plot twists.

My Review: 

The Good: Mirella had a way of writing the characters in such a way that you could not help but feel compassion for them. There were so many different plots throughout the entire book, which turned it into a very intricate storyline with multiple twists and turns. I really enjoyed how she would switch point of views from every character in order for the reader to really envision how the plot truly unravels.

The Bad: It took a while for the storyline to pick up. I found the beginning pages to be very slow and difficult to get into. It almost felt like the author was trying to find her way in the beginning because the writing seemed very amateur, but right before I decided to give up on the book it picked up and it was like Mirella finally found her footing and knew exactly where she wanted the story to go. 

Final thought: Overall the book was truly great! My heart went out to the two lovers. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to go through what they went through just to be married to one another. They faced one road block after another and I could not help rooting for them and hoping they would find their way back to each other’s arms. I usually hope for a reality ending and not some fairytale ending, but that was not the case this time. I wanted the fairytale ending! The Blighted Troth is the perfect title for this romantic love story. Highly recommended!


  1. Thanks for the review, Taylor. I have this one on my wish list.

  2. Aw, this sounds like a good one. ^.^ Great review

  3. I love multiple points of view, but I usually don't like when the author, as you said tries to find her way to the beginning.

  4. I have wanted to pick up this book for a long time now, thank you for the review!
