
TBR Bookshelf

This is my personal list of books that I have on my bookshelf at home that need to be read. As you can see I have a bit of a problem with buying books even though I still have a TON to read. This list will allow me to see and keep track of what I still need to read and will also allow you to see what books will be eventually reviewed. Feel free to leave comments below on books you would recommend and, which books you would like to see reviewed as soon as possible.

Allende, Isabel ~ Portrait of Sepia
Anton, Maggie ~ Rashi's Daughters (Book I: Joheved)
Apostolides, Patty ~ The Greek Maiden & the English Lord
Austin, Jane ~ Sense & Sensibility  
Austin, Jane ~ Mansfield Park 

Barnes, Margaret Campbell ~ Within The Hollow Crown
Bartok, Mira ~ The Memory Palace
Berdoll, Linda ~ Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife
Berdoll, Linda ~ Darcy & Elizabeth
Busbee, Shirlee ~ Scandal Becomes Her
Busbee, Shirlee ~ Surrender Becomes Her 

Caldwell, Jack ~ Pemberley Ranch 
Carroll, Susan ~ The Huntress 
Carroll, Susan ~ The Courtesan
Carroll, Susan ~ The Silver Rose
Cowell, Stephanie ~ Claude & Camille 
Corona, Laurel ~ Penelope's Daughter
Cross, Donna Woolfolk ~ Pope Joan

Donnelly, Jennifer ~ Revolution
Donoghue, Emma ~ Life Mask
Dray, Stephanie ~ Lilly in the Nile
Dunant, Sarah ~ In the Company of the Courtesan
Dunn, Suzannah ~ The Confession of Katherine Howard

Emerson, Kate ~ Secrets of the Tudor Court (The Pleasure Palace)
English, Christy ~ To Be Queen
Erickson, Carolly ~ The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots
Essex, Karen ~ Dracula in Love 

George, Margaret ~ Mary Called Magdalene 
George, Margaret ~ The Memoirs of Cleopatra (Currently reading) 
George, Margaret ~ The Autobiography of Henry VIII
George, Margaret ~ Helen of Troy
Givens, Kathleen ~ Rivals for the Crown
Gortner, C.W. ~ Confessions of Catherine De Medici
Gregory, Philippa ~ Meridon
Gregory, Philippa ~ The Favored Child
Gulland, Sandra ~ The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. (Book 1)
Gulland, Sandra ~ Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe (Book 2)
Gulland, Sandra ~ The Last Great Dance on Earth (Book 3)

Haeger, Diane ~ The Secret Bride (In the Court of Henry VIII Book 1)
Haeger, Diane ~ The Queen's Mistake (In the Court of Henry VIII Book 2) 
Haeger, Diane ~ Courtesan 
Hardie, Titania ~ The Rose Labyrinth  
Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia ~  The Princeling (The Morland Dynasty Series Book 1)
Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia ~  The Dark Rose (The Morland Dynasty Series Book 2)
Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia ~ The Founding (The Morland Dynasty Series Book 3)
Hawks, Kate ~ The Lovers ( The Legend of Trystan & Yseult) 
Hawthorne, Nathaniel ~ The Scarlett Letter 
Hays Tony ~ The Killing Way ( An Arthurian Mystery Book 1)
Hays Tony ~ The Divine Sacrifice ( An Arthurian Mystery Book 2)
Hays Tony ~  The Beloved Dead ( An Arthurian Mystery Book 3)
Hellenga, Robert ~ The Italian Lover 
Heyer, Georgette ~ Royal Escape
Heyer, Georgette ~ The Conqueror
Heyer, Georgette ~  An Infamous Army
Higginbotham, Susan ~ The Stolen Crown 
Higginbotham, Susan ~ Queen of Last Hopes 
Holt, Victoria ~ My Enemy the Queen
Holt, Victoria ~ The Queen's Confession
Holt, Victoria ~ The Curse of the Kings
Holt, Victoria ~ Lord of the Far Island

Jones, Ellen ~ Beloved the Passions of Eleanor of Aquitaine 

Kalogridis, Jeanne ~ I, Mona Lisa 
Kalogridis, Jeanne ~ The Borgia Bride 
Koen, Kathleen ~ Dark Angels
Koll Healey, Judith ~ The Canterbury Papers 

Lapierre, Alexandra ~ Artemisia 
Lee, Julianne ~ A Question of Guilt 

Mantel, Hilary ~ Wolf Hall 
Martin, George R. R. ~ Game of Thrones (Book 1)
Martin, George R. R. ~ A Clash of Kings (Book 2)
Martin, George R. R. ~  A Storm of Swords (Book 3)
Martin, George R. R. ~ A Feast For Crows (Book 4)
Maxwell, Robin ~ Signora da Vinci 
Maxwell, Robin ~ Virgin 
McCullough, Colleen ~ The October Horse ( A Novel of Caesar & Cleopatra)
McCullough, Colleen ~ The First Man in Rome 
McKee, Laurel ~ Duchess of Sin 
Miles, Rosalind ~ Isolde Queen of the Western Isle (Trystan & Isolde Series Book 1)
Miles, Rosalind ~ The Maid of the White Hands (Trystan & Isolde Series Book 2)
Miles, Rosalind ~ The Lady of the Sea (Trystan & Isolde Series Book 3) 
Miles, Rosalind ~ Guenevere Queen of the Summer Country (Guenevere Series Book 1)
Miles, Rosalind ~ The Knight of the Sacred Lake (Guenevere Series Book2)
Miles, Rosalind ~ The Child of the Holy Grail (Guenevere Series Book 3)
Miles, Rosalind ~ I, Elizabeth 
Moran, Michelle ~ Madame Tussaud 
Moran, Michelle ~ The Heretic Queen

Parmar, Priya ~ Exit the Actress
Peacock, Caro ~ A Dangerous Affair (Book 2)
Peacock, Caro ~ A Family Affair 
Plaidy, Jean ~ The Queen's Secret (Queens of England Series Book 2)
Plaidy, Jean ~ Queen of This Realm (Queens of England Series Book 7)
Plaidy, Jean ~ Loyal In Love (Queens of England Book 9)
Plaidy, Jean ~ The Captive Queen of Scots (Novel of the Stuarts Book 2)
Plaidy, Jean ~ The Murder in the Tower (Novel of The Stuarts Book 3)
Plaidy, Jean ~ The Loves of Charles II (Novel of the Stuarts Book 4)    
Plaidy, Jean ~ The Three Crowns (Novel of the Stuarts Book 5) 
Purdy, Brandy ~ The Tudor Throne 

Raybould, Robin ~ Scimitar 
Ryan, Arliss ~ The Secret Confessions of Anne Shakespeare  

Smith, Anne Easter ~ A Rose for the Crown (Book 1)
Smith, Anne Easter ~
Daughter of York(Book 2)
Smith, Anne Easter ~
The King's Grace (Book 3)

Weir, Allison ~ The Lady Elizabeth
Weir, Allison ~ Innocent Traitor
Weir, Allison ~ Eleanor of Aquitaine  
Willig, Lauren ~ The Secret History of the Pink Carnation 


  1. I loved Sandra Gulland's Josephine trilogy and Michelle Moran's Madame Tussaud; they were both fascinating women to read about. I've added so many books to my TBR shelf just from looking at your list. :) Thank you!

  2. I have been looking for a historical romance for the last 25 years but cannot find it. Could you recommend sites where I could search. Libraries and amazon databases don't have it. Any help would be much appreciated. The novel is called Henry of Navarre but all books with that title are not the one I'm searching for.
