
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Review: The Golden Prince by Rebecca Dean

The Golden Prince by Rebecca Dean

Source: I received a copy from the publicist in exchange for a fair and honest review
Release Date: December 2010
Setting: London 1911

Book Synopsis: Edward VIII became notorious for abandoning the throne for Mrs. Simpson, but in the summer of 1911 he was a prince straight from the pages of a fairy-tale. Raised by the harsh disciplinarian King George V and his unfeeling Queen Mary, the prince longed for the warmth that had been deprived of him.

The high society Houghton girls' lives however, were full of fun, both at their magnificent family seat Snowberry, and at the whirlwind of glamorous parties which punctuated their lives. When a moment of serendipity brings Edward and Lily Houghton together, the pressures of a stuffy court are replaced with the lightness that Edward has dreamt of.

But a future monarch could not choose his own Queen, and even an enduring love might falter under the furious gaze of a King. Could the devotion of Edward and Lily triumph against him and the impending doom of World War I? Or would they bow to the inevitable and set in train events that could bring down the Crown, and change the course of history forever? 

My Review: Rebecca Dean is a pen-name of best-selling novelist Margaret Pemberton. She is the author of A Dangerous Desire and countless other novels under her real name Margaret Pemberton. This is the first novel I have read by Rebecca Dean/ Margaret Pemberton and I can easily say I hope it won’t be my last! 

The Golden Prince is a story about Prince Edward “David,” who did not have a normal childhood. He was the royal Prince of Wales who never had a moment to himself. Every second of everyday was planned out for him and he was never allowed to make friends outside of his royal family. His father, King George V, was so hard on him to where David grew to fear him. David had no desire to succeed his father as King of England. His heart’s true desire was to just be normal and have a life as far away from the royal court as possible. 

But once Lilly Houghton comes into his life, David realizes that with her by his side encouraging him, he could be a far better king than his traditionalist father, King George V.  However, once David confronts his father about wanting to marry someone that wasn’t royal, King George nearly comes unglued and finds every possible way to keep David from Lilly by sending him off to intern on a naval battleship, France, and then off to Oxford for three years. Will King George V abandoned his traditional values by giving in to his son’s one true desire or will David have to choose between Lilly the love of his life or his birthright as the heir to the greatest kingdom in Europe?

Opinion: I actually enjoyed this book a lot more than I originally thought I would. I agreed to review The Golden Prince because of the upcoming royal wedding and also because of The King’s Speech. 20th century European history is completely foreign to me since my historical interests lie between the 16th and 19th centuries. I found this book to be very intriguing and romantic. Prince Edward and Lilly’s romance really pulled at my heart strings, because I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who has been deemed forbidden by your family. I highly recommend this one!

For a chance to read The Golden Prince by Rebecca Dean click here to enter my current giveaway! This giveaway is open worldwide to followers of this blog. It ends March 20th.


  1. I'm glad to hear this book is good as it's no my TBR pile! Like you, I wanted to read it after I saw The King's Speech. :)

  2. I have been interested in checking out this book - I have never read anything by this author either. Thanks for the review - I'm still on the fence about this one tho.

  3. @Dolleygurl

    The Golden Prince is worth reading in my opinion, but I can see why your still on the fence. There are some amazing books coming out soon such as To Be Queen by Christy English and Elizabeth I by Margaret George, which trump The Golden Prince if I had either one on my bookshelf right now. However, I found a way to squeeze it in and im glad I did :)

